Saturday 10/02/2021

In Teams of 2:
[On the 0:00]
3 Rounds:
200 Meter Run (Partners MUST Run Together)
40 Wall Balls 20#/14# (Partition However)

[On the 9:00]
3 Rounds:
200 Meter Run (Partners MUST Run Together)
30 Pull Ups (Partition However)

[On the 18:00]
3 Rounds:
200 Meter Run (Partners MUST Run Together)
20 Burpees (Partition However)

*Sum Total Of 3 Times
9 Minute Cap For 3 Rounds
If Capped Put 9:00 As Score For That Round

**“What you resist, persists”. **
What would you think about if I told you to *not* think of a pink giraffe?

The same effect takes place if I tell you “don’t slow down” as you start your final 400 meter run in a workout. Our minds don’t operate well when we focus on what not to do. We need to flip the script, and focus on what *to do*.

Turn “don’t slow down” into “I can hold this pace”.
Turn “don’t mess this up” into “focus on a clean jumpshot”.

If our thoughts become words, and those words become actions, we’re going to get what we focus on. So let’s choose wisely.