Thursday 11/09/2023

4 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
40 Air Squats

Ring Muscle Up Practice!

Partner up and take 10-15 minutes to progress through some low-ring muscle-up transitions.

Set up:
- Ring height is where the bottom of the rings measures in line with the top of the hip crease. Spacing should be about shoulder width.
- Use a false grip from the start and through the transition.
- Ideally, feet are placed directly underneath the rings while getting in the "Ugly position" and shooting the knees through with the hips and chest parallel to the ceiling.
- Focus on pulling the bottom of the chest/top of the stomach to the rings with hips staying in line and then driving the shoulders overtop into the catch with the chest facing down and shoulders resting on top of the rings.
- Actively squeeze the rings to your sides, press straight up to extension, and once lockout is reached, jump down to the floor.

Advanced: practice ring muscle-ups

Beginner/Alternative option:
3 sets:
10 Ring Rows
10 Bench Dips