Friday 3/21/2025

Gymnastics Skill Review
Take this time to warm-up and practice form and efficiency in the gymnastic option that are you planning to do in today's workout.
* Bar Muscle-ups
* Chest to Bar Pull-ups
* Pull-ups
* Jumping Pull-ups

Amrap: 9 min (Day James was born. 12/9)
3 Clean & Jerks 135#/95# (3 is extra Chromosome)
21 Air Squats  (21 is location of the extra Chromosome)
47 Double Unders (47 is amount of Chromosomes a person with Down Syndrome has. The rest of us have 46)
3 is extra Chromosome
21 is location of the extra Chromosome
47 is amount of Chromosomes a person with Down Syndrome has. The rest of us have 46

Honoring James Solis πŸ’™πŸ’›

Today, we come together as a community to honor the memory of James Solis with a special workout, β€œJames.”

James was the firstborn son of our beloved member, Lily and her husband James Solis. He was born with Down syndrome and, though his time here was short, he brought immense love and joy in his 2 months of life. To celebrate his memory and the strength of his mother, we created this workout in his honor.

Lily was an incredible part of the CrossFit 1013 family, and today, we lift, push, and persevere in remembrance of her little warrior.

Join us in giving it your all todayβ€”not just for the workout, but for the love, resilience, and community that James and Lily have inspired.

#WDSDJamesJourney πŸ’™πŸ’›

Thursday 3/21/2024

Back Squats
5 sets of 2 Back Squats @85% of Heavy Single (Week 1)
* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *

Amrap: 9 min (Day James was born. 12/9)
3 Clean & Jerks 135#/95# (3 is extra Chromosome)
21 Air Squats  (21 is location of the extra Chromosome)
47 Double Unders (47 is amount of Chromosomes a person with Down Syndrome has. The rest of us have 46)

Tuesday 03/21/2023

Amrap: 9 min (Day James was born. 12/9)
3 Clean & Jerks 135#/95# (3 is extra Chromosome)
21 Air Squats (21 is location of the extra Chromosome)
47 Double Unders (47 is amount of Chromosomes a person with Down Syndrome has. The
rest of us have 46)

Turkish Get-Ups
5 x 2 reps (each side)

*Use a weight that is challenging but allows for good form throughout reps