Thursday 10/14/2021

Hang Power Clean
*Score = Sum Total of Heaviest Barbell for 7 + 5 + 3

For Time:
Hang Power Cleans 95#/65#
AbMat Sit-ups  
Step Back Lunges 95#/65#
AbMat Sit-ups

## DAILY MINDSET**“Perfection can be spelled with the word paralysis.” - Churchill**

As human beings, our survival mechanism kicks in when we approach change. It sounds the alarm, telling us we are in dangerous waters. We may find ourselves forecasting to the future, vividly conceptualizing the hardships, obstacles, and all the tough unknowns that path may bring.

Now this survival mechanism is amazing for avoiding actual real-life dangers. But the healthy ones… it can also prevent if we aren’t mindful.

Breathe into those thoughts that run through our mind when we approach change. Recognize them. Accept them for what they are. And put them where they belong, because it’s time to get to work.