Tuesday 12/14/2021

[0:00 - 10:00]
AMRAP 10: 
1 Burpee Box Jump 24"/20"
1 Push Jerk 115#/85#
2 Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"
2 Push Jerks 115#/85#
3 Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"
3 Push Jerks 115#/85#
Add 1 Per Round

[10:00 - 18:00]
Build to Heavy Single Push Jerk 

*Score 1 = Rounds + Reps
*Score 2 = Heaviest Load 

Example Score 1: If an athlete completes the round of 10's and gets 3 burpee box jumps in the 11's, their score would be 10+3.