Friday 03/17/2023

"Green Eggs and Ham"
16:00 AMRAP
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Thrusters 45#/35#
10 Strict Pull-Ups

Skills and Drills
Week 1: Ring Muscle-up Progression
5 sets:
30 seconds Top of Ring Dip Hold
- rest 1 minute between sets -

5 sets:
20-30 seconds Top of Ring Dip Hold
- rest 1 minute between sets -

5 sets:
20-30 seconds Top of Ring Dip Hold (Toes on the ground
- rest 1 minute between sets -

* Lower rings, so feet/toes remain in contact with the floor during the hold. Use a band wrapped around the rings and supported under the knees. Have a partner assist in holding the tight to your sides during the lockout.