Friday 09/01/2023

Skill Work
15 min to work on one of the following:
* Ring Muscle-ups
* Pull-ups (any style)
* Plate Jumps (building confidence in jumping to new heights by adding plates)

The focus here is on technique, not to get a bunch of reps in. Break into small groups and practice. If you have a goal of getting your first muscle-up or pull-up, talk to the coach about skill work you can practice.

"Brand and Andy"
5 Sets
1:30 AMRAP
Partner 1: 6 Overhead Squats 135#/95#
Partner 2: 6 Box Jumps 30"/24"
*Both complete and switch
Max Kipping Chest to Bar / Bar Muscle Ups/ Ring Muscle Ups
-rest 1:30 between rounds-

Kipping Chest to Bar = 1 rep
Bar Muscle Ups = 3 reps
Ring Muscle Ups = 4 reps

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Monday 08/14/2023

"Ferris Bueller’s Day Off"
21-15-9 For Time:
Thrusters 95#/65#
Burpee Over Bar
Chest to Bar

This is a repeat from 7/25/2022

Skills and Drills
Toes to Bar:
Week 2, Day 1

5 sets (10:00)
8-10 Kip Swings
5-8 Strict Toes to Bar

5 sets (10:00)
6-8 Kip Swings
5-8 Strict Knee Raise + Extension

5 sets (10:00)
5 Kip Swings (Stand on tiptoes if needed)
5-8 Strict Hanging Knee Raise

Alternative Option:
5 sets (10:00)
10 Weighted Sit Ups
30-second Plank Hold (elbows)

* On the Kip, have athletes focus on getting their head through their arms (swing through) and behind the bar (swing back). *

Friday 04/07/2023

Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance 1x1|
10-15 Minutes of Practice
- Stay light and focus on form

"John 3:16"
AMRAP 1:00
10 Thrusters 115#/80#
Max Reps Bar Muscle Ups (Or Chest to Bar)
-Rest 1 Minute between sets-

*Complete Sets until you get to 30 Bar Muscle Ups (total) (Or 60 Chest to Bar)