5 Rounds:
1 Minute Row
1 Minute Medicine Ball Squat Cleans 20#/14#
1 Minute AbMat Sit-ups
1 Minute Rest
5 Rounds:
1 Minute Row
1 Minute Medicine Ball Squat Cleans 20#/14#
1 Minute AbMat Sit-ups
1 Minute Rest
Teams of 3 for reps:
AMRAP 7:00
50 Goblet Squats 35#/25#
50 Goblet Squats 55#/35#
AMRAP Goblet Squats 70#/55#
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 7:00
50 Bench Press 115#/65#
50 Bench Press 135#/85#
AMRAP Bench Press 155#/105#
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 7:00
50 Ring Rows
50 Pull Ups
AMRAP Chest to Bar Pull Ups
For Time:
100 Double Unders
50 Abmat Sit-ups
25 Med-ball Squat Cleans 20#/14#
80 Double Unders
40 Abmat Sit-ups
20 Med-ball Squat Cleans 20#/14#
60 Double Unders
30 Abmat Sit-ups
15 Med-ball Squat Cleans 20#/14#
40 Double Unders
20 Abmat Sit-ups
10 Med-ball Squat Cleans 20#/14#
20 Double Unders
10 Abmat Sit-ups
5 Med-ball Squat Cleans 20#/14#