Thursday 6/13/2024

Strict Pull-up Test
Level 1: Find the lightest band that you can do one strict pull-up with
Level 2: Find your max unbroken set of unweighted strict chin-ups
Level 3: Find your max unbroken set of unweighted strict pull-ups
Level 4: Find your max 1 rep weighted strict pull-up

Scoring: note your level and score achieved.

"Denver Nuggets"
In 3:00 complete:
2 rounds
50ft Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge 50#/35#
10 Toes To Bar

*If you complete it within 3 minutes, it unlocks three more minutes. Repeat another 2 rounds, with two additional reps added to the toes to bar. Continue adding three minutes and two toes to bar reps until time catches you.  Cap 15:00/5 rounds.
* Every 5ft of lunges = 1 rep (1 round = 20 reps)
*You don’t have to rest until the three minutes is up to start the next two rounds.

Wednesday 04/24/2024

Snatch + Overhead Squat 5x8
Every 3:00 (5 sets)
3 Squat Snatch + 5 Overhead Squats
-Touch and Go. Build in weight, don’t exceed 65% of Snatch 1RM.

8:00 AMRAP
300 Double Unders
50ft Dumbbell Farmer Carry Lunge (50’s/35’s)
50ft Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge (50s/35s)
50ft Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (50/35) (25ft Left/25ft Right)

*Every 5ft = 1 rep. 1 round = 330 reps