Monday 1/6/2025
5 sets (1 set every 5:00)
25/20 Calorie Row
20 Wall Balls 20"/14"
15 Toes to Bar
*Score is slowest set
**No Rx if slowest set us 5:00
Gymnastics: Ring Muscle-ups / Strict Pull-ups
Choose between the Strength Option OR the Conditioning Option (don't do both). For the conditioning option, you should be able to do 10+ strict pull-ups, unbroken.
Strength Option:
4 sets:
3-5 Ring Dip Negatives (jump to the top of the rings + 2 to 3-second descent)
5 Tempo Strict Pull-up Negatives (3 to 5-second descent). Compete: add weight if able.
- rest 1 minute between sets -
Conditioning Option:
4 sets for Quality:
30 seconds of Weighted Hang [35/25 dumbbell between legs/thigh]
right into
30 seconds of Max Strict Pull Ups without weight
right into
60 seconds Bar Dips (You will be in support at the top of the rig **see video)
---Rest 60 seconds between sets --