Tuesday 7/16/2024

"Apple Fritter"
12:00 AMRAP
Max Air Bike Calories
*Every 2:00, including 0:00 perform:
12 Box Jumps 24"/20"
12 Sit Ups

Handstand Push-ups and Jump Rope Skill Work
Take 5 min to review/practice, then

odd: 5-10 reps of handstand push-ups at your level below.
even: Crossover-singles, double-unders, or single-unders. Choose a maintainable number or practice for 30 seconds.

Handstand Pushup Levels:
Level 1: Box handstand push-ups or seated shoulder press
Level 2: Kipping handstand push-ups
Level 3: Strict handstand push-ups
Level 4: Strict deficit handstand push-ups