Tuesday 12/17/2024

Gymnastics Skill Session
We have Rope Climbs coming up in our 12-Days workout. Today we are preparing by practicing form and efficiency.
Liberty: Zombie Rope Climbs
Freedom/Independence: practice different foot holds and work on improving your descent technique
Compete: practice Legless and/or L-sit
Today isn't about volume. Take your time and work on technique.
(Coaching videos are in the coach notes)

5 sets (Every 5:00)
200m Row
20 Hang Power Cleans 115#/80#
200m Row
*Score is slowest set

Friday 12/13/2024

For Time:
100ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge 50#/35#
5 Wall Walks (Rx+ 50ft Handstand Walk)
25 Toes to Bar
100ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge 50#/35#
10 Wall Walks (Rx+ 100ft Handstand Walk)
50 Toes to Bar
100ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge 50#/35#
* The dumbbell can be held on the shoulders, in the "front rack," or any desired hold that keeps a hand in contact with the dumbbell at all times while lunging.

Accumulate 4 minutes of a sandbag front hold at a challenging weight
-rest as needed between breaks-
* If sandbags are unavailable, substitute double kettlebell/dumbbell front rack hold.
* Athletes can partner up and perform an 8 min hold, switching as desired. Try to even out total hold times between athletes.
* Score is total weight held