Wednesday 1/8/2025

"The Amazing Race"
Teams of 2
5 sets: (each/1:1)
20/16 Calorie Air Bike
50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge 75#/55#
*30:00 Time cap

Accumulate 4 minutes of a sandbag front hold at a challenging weight
-rest as needed between breaks-
* If sandbags are unavailable, substitute double kettlebell/dumbbell front rack hold.
* Athletes can partner up and perform an 8 min hold, switching as desired. Try to even out total hold times between athletes.
* Score is total weight held

Friday 12/27/2024

Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance 6x12
Every 1:00 (12:00)
Even Minute: 7 Muscle Snatch (min 0-2-4-6-8-10)
Odd Minute: 5 Snatch Balance (min 1-3-5-7-9-11)
*Use the same weight for both movements. Sets are completed unbroken (touch and go on the muscle snatch). You can build in weight or stay the same across sets. Stay light!

"Feliz Navidad"
5 Sets For Time:
6 Deadlifts 225#/155#
8 Bar Facing Burpees
10/9 Calorie Air Bike
-rest 1:1 between sets-
*20:00 Time Cap

Thursday 11/21/2024

Bar Muscle Ups: Week 6
Warm-up skill work: review common faults shown in this video -

- Then, 8-minute EMOM:

Even Minute: 4-6 Bar Muscle Ups
Odd Minute: 30-second Hollow Hold

Even Minute:  5-7 Box Bar Muscle Ups, Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-ups, or Kipping Pull-ups
Odd Minute: 20-second Hollow Hold in Tuck Position

Even MInute:  9-12 Ring Rows
Odd Minute: 30 seconds of Sit Ups

Score is reps of the Even Minute movement

"Baby Park"
3 sets (Every 7:00)
Calorie Air Bike
Double Unders
-Womens Calories: 12-10-8

*Score is total time