Saturday 5/4/2024

"The Undiscovered Country"
Teams of 2 For Time:
100/80 Calorie Row
100 Bench Press 115#/75#
30 Bar Muscle Ups (Scale 60 Chest to Bar/Pull Ups)
80/64 Calorie Row
80 Bench Press 135#/85#
10 Rope Climbs (Scale 40 Strict Pull Ups)
60/48 Calorie Row
60 Bench Press (155/95)
6 Legless Rope Climbs (Scale 20 Burpee Pull Ups)
 - Split reps as desired -

Monday 4/1/2024

Take 10-15 min to practice one of the following:
Bar Muscle Ups
Handstand Walks

* Coaching videos with scaling options are provided in the coach notes.

"The Phantom Menace"
10:00 AMRAP
5 Bar Muscle Ups
25 Crossover Singles
50ft Kettlebell Walking Lunge 55#/35#

-Rest 5:00-

10:00 AMRAP
60 Single Unders
15ft Handstand Walk
15 Kettlebell Swings 55#/35#
15ft Handstand Walk
*Every 5ft = 1 Rep (lunge/Handstand Walk)
**Score is total reps of both AMRAPs