
NOTE: Due to the CrossFit Games being held in Madison Wisconsin this year and more than half of our trainers attending, the following classes will be canceled this week:

08/04 Friday 
4pm, 5pm, 6:15pm and 7:30pm

08/05 Saturday
Gym Closed

08/06 Sunday
Gym Closed

Sorry for the inconvenience

Minutes 1-5: 4 Snatches 185#/135#
Minutes 6-10: 6 Clean and Jerks 185#/135#

For Time:
3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test
50/35 Cal Row
3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test
50/35 Cal Row
3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test

*Bergeron Beep Test:
7 Thrusters 75#/55#
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees

Ninfa Queyquep

Ninfa Queyquep


NOTE: Due to the CrossFit Games being held in Madison Wisconsin this year and more than half of our trainers attending, the following classes will be canceled next week:
08/03 Thursday

08/04 Friday 
Gym Closed

08/05 Saturday
Gym Closed

08/06 Sunday
Gym Closed

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Clean and Jerk
2 reps at 60%
2 reps at 65%
2 reps at 70%
5x1 at 75%

50 Wall Balls 20#/14#
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps 24#/20#
40 Toes to Bar
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
30 Burpees
20 Cleans 145#/100#
20 Jerks 145#/100#
10 Snatches 145#/100#
10 Ring Muscle-Ups

Guadalupe Moran

Guadalupe Moran