Saturday 8/3/2024
"Warrior - Military"
Partner Workout For Time:
1600m Run (together)
5 rounds
15 Synchro Single Arm Devils Press 50#/35#
30 Toes to Bar (*Partner must hold a Handstand)
1600m Run (together)
"Warrior - Military"
Partner Workout For Time:
1600m Run (together)
5 rounds
15 Synchro Single Arm Devils Press 50#/35#
30 Toes to Bar (*Partner must hold a Handstand)
1600m Run (together)
"Olympic Medalists"
For Time:
Box Jump Overs 20"
Toes to Bar
*200m Run after each round
"Mayhem Mini-Pump – Back and Biceps"
4 Rounds
12 Supported Single Arm DB Row (each side) @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
10 DB Preacher Curl @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
-Rest 2 min b/t rounds-
"The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes"
5 Rounds For Time:
7 Overhead Squats 115#/80#
11 Toes to Bar
Turkish Get Up 1x1
Review form, then build up to a heavy Turkish Get Up with good form on each side.
Within 8 minutes, gradually increase the weight until you reach a controllable, moderately heavy weight that you can lift with both arms.
Take 70-80% of the top weight and complete:
5 sets
2 Turkish Get-Ups (Left+Right)
4 Rounds For Time:
100 Double Unders
20 Toes to bar
10 Back Squats 185#/125#
* Back Squats are from the ground
Gymnastics Skill Work
We have Rope Climbs in the workout on Wednesday. Take this time to practice the level that's appropriate for you.
Level 1: Zombie Rope Climbs or Pull-up Rope Climbs
Level 2: Standard Rope Climbs
Level 3: Legless Rope Climbs
After a skill review, perform the following EMOM. You can partner up and start on opposite movements. This is all about practice to prepare for Wednesday, so try different foot wraps, practice jumping up to grab the rope, etc. The goal is to improve efficiency, not to do as many reps as possible.
Odd: 1-3 Rope Climbs at your level above
Even: 20-30 second Sorenson Hold (face down GHD hold) or Superman Hold
If Ropes are unavailable, there is an alternative option in the coach notes.