Saturday 11/18/2023

"AFC Richmond"
Teams of 2:
Every 1:00 (24:00)
Min 1: 6 Overhead Squats 155#/105#
Min 2: 25ft Handstand Walk
Min 3: 10 Strict Pull Ups (Or 2 Rope Climbs)

*Score is rounds completed. Scale accordingly to make sure you finish all reps in as many rounds as possible by each athlete. Athlete 1 starts at the beginning and athlete 2 starts on Min 2 movement.


Friday 01/13/2023

CrossFit Open WOD19.3”
For time
200' Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge 50#/35#
50 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step-up 50#/353 (24"/20")
50 Strict Handstand Push-ups
200' Handstand Walk

* Score is reps completed at the Open 10-minute time cap. But we'd like you to then finish the workout, so put your overall time in your score comments.

Wednesday 11/23/2022

"Sick Joke"
For Time [20 Minute Cap]:
Deadlifts 225#/155#
Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (Rx+ = Handstand Push Ups)

After Each Round:
60' Double DB Overhead Carry (Rx+ = 30' Handstand Walk)

DB's = (50's/35's)
*need to do both HSPU and HSWalks for Rx+