Thursday 6/20/2024

"Quarterfinals 24.1"
4 rounds for max reps of:

1 minute of Snatches 135#/85#
1 minute of Rowing for calories
1 minute of Dumbbell Box Step-ups (50#/35# DBs, 20-inch box)
1 minute of rest

"Gymnastics Skill Work'"
We have Muscle-ups in a workout next week. Take this time to practice the level that's appropriate for you.

Level 1: Rotate rounds - Tricep Dips between two boxes/benches alternating with Ring Rows
Level 2: Box Ring Muscle-ups or Jumping Bar Muscle Ups
Level 3: Bar Muscle Ups
Level 4: Ring Muscle Ups

After a skill review, perform EMOM6: 3-8 reps at your level above. Aim to pick a number that's maintainable through all rounds.

Wednesday 08/31/2022

"Fun & Games"
[0:00 - 2:00]
1,000/800 Meter Bike
Max Snatches

Rest 1 Minute

[3:00 - 6:00]
1,500/1,200 Meter Bike
Max Snatches 

Rest 2 Minutes

[8:00 - 12:00]
2,000/1,500 Meter Bike
Max Snatches 

Rest 2 Minutes 

[14:00 - 17:00]
1,500 Meter Bike
Max Snatches 

Rest 1 Minute 

[18:00 - 20:00]
1,000 Meter Bike
Max Snatches

Barbell: 135#/95#

*Score = Total Barbell Reps